Men's Mission

The Men's Club was started in 1971 by several parishioners who's main objective was to provide support for religious vocations. Today, we still provide some financial support for those students who are in religious training but our scope has broadened and changed a great deal.

We are now primarily a "Service" club reaching out to many different areas in our parish and community. The 80 to 100 members of our Men's Club provide support for organizations such as our Parish Youth Group, JMJ and other ministries. We work at improving parish family relationships by providing social functions such as dinners and dances where our parishioners can get together to celebrate our unity and friendship.

The funds generated by these events provides the financial resources that the Club uses to support a variety of projects, such as, the Christmas gifts we purchase for a needy family in the parish, the support of vacation bible school, JMJ and several other groups or ministries.

We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. A short business meeting is followed with a snack and social time to renew friendships and to build new relationships. The Club works in an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie that all the members enjoy and it makes the service we provide a very easy task to perform. As is true in most volunteer groups, our members get back more than they give in the satisfaction of serving God's family in our parish and community.

The Men's Club promotes the spiritual growth of our members by encouraging them to attend Bible Studies, also Christ Renews His Parish and to use our own Spiritual Sproutings page to draw closer to our God.

Our members can purchase Club shirts in two different colors, navy blue and/or ivory, with our logo and their name embroidered on the front.